Wednesday, January 11, 2012

the death of tech support

It recently dawned on me that there is clearly a decline in the service industry in customer service. I wonder why that is since there are More services popping up everyday. This question has given rise to a few of my own hypothesis's which are centered around the mere thought that maybe people don't value what they do or perhaps don't value other people.
   I say this is an interesting post due to the fact that we here in America seem to have an entitlement to superb customer service even though we have fiddled and cost cut our services in the name of saving busyness ( but in actuality we want more profit) and keeping jobs to paying people so little that honestly no job is like having a job. It's a sad state if affairs when its better to stay home then to actually find work due to the fact that the government is paying more than private industry. But how does that compare to why the service industry is clearly regressing to the 80's in their thought process that they clearly know what is best for the customer and that we should just be quite and accept the inevitable?????

1 comment:

  1. It all goes back to one of those vicious cycles of life ::: The employer pays the employee just enough to not quit; the employee does just enough work to not get fired. People on a whole don't have alot of pride in the things they do and many have settled for a life of mediocrity... loss of hope and all dat negative stuff plays a key role here... If they start doing things with pride and find the little joys in the things they do and realize hey, things can be worse, then you MIGHT see a change in their work ethics because right now, they jus don't got none!! (work ethics that is... Lol)
